
What is important to employees in a world full of enticements?

Every morning when I connect my electric car to the charge point across from the office building in Ashdod I often wonder whether the company employees enjoy the same level of convenience that I have.

Do they also experience that same spark of enjoyment when they come to work?
As a matter of routine I walk over to wish “good morning” to the gate person, an exemplary employee, reliable, meticulous, and professional, who performs his work with full commitment and with a desire to do the utmost for the good of the company.   

On a daily basis, and at every branch I visit, I almost always begin by talking with the employees, listening to their needs, their opinions. They are the company’s source of energy.  

I have managed employees for over 40 years, first only a few and then hundreds of employees as we grew over the years.  

As a very senior manager, as the founder of the company, and based on my extensive experience, I fully understand that there are invaluable parameters in the workplace, such as reciprocity and partnership, which are no less important.   

The employee’s professional background or the neighborhood they grew up in make no difference. What I see is how the employee is treated, and it is always as an equal!  

I grew up in what was not a high status neighborhood in the lower city of Haifa. I had a wonderful childhood, with friends from all ethnic groups and socio-economic backgrounds. That’s where I come from, and from this vantage point it is important to me that every employee will see that they also can, that anyone can!

As I see it, the formula for success is maintaining suitable work relations across all the Group’s employees, from the field to the headquarters.  

Do your job on the one hand, provide a high level of service on the other – that should be the motto!

What is important to employees in our competitive world?

Is it image and economic stability? Is it the compensation? Or perhaps employment security?

In fact many studies have been conducted around the world, in different sectors, and it turns out that compensation is not ranked first when it comes to employee retention.

Motivation is ranked after enjoyment, and pride before compensation.  

Despite the disappointments we experience in the course of our lifetime, the desire to develop and advance is the leading motivation in life.

This is how the managers in the company must lead for us to enhance the Fridenson Group. 


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