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Interesting Things Worth Reading

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“The connection between two trade points passes through one driver”

From the beginning of history there has been a continuous movement of goods, across borders and continents, creating a wide range of commercial and social connections. One of the well-known ancient trade routes is known as the Silk Road – a trade route that connected the ancient Chinese capital with...

Everything you wanted to know about LCL in ocean shipments

פעילות של שילוח מטענים חלקיים (LCL) מוגדרת כמורכבת הדורשת ידע ומיומנות גבוהה, בחירת ספק בעל ניסיון רב בתחום השילוח הימי הינה קריטית!

Outsourced logistics services that every company should know about

Concentrating on significance – a management method based on the idea of transferring functions and operations that are not part of the organization’s core activities to an external contractor, leaving only the organization’s core activities to be managed within and by the company.

What is important to employees in a world full of enticements?

Every morning when I connect my electric car to the charge point across from the office building in Ashdod I often wonder whether the company employees enjoy the same level of convenience that I have. Do they also experience that same spark of enjoyment when they come to work?